My Story
For over 40 years, I have had a passion and a calling to equip and empower leaders - particularly women - to live authentic, purpose-driven lives.
I come from a background in Human Resources, Operations, and Training in multiple sizes and types of organizations. I am also an entrepreneur at heart and manage two different ventures in my "semi" (aka failed) retirement! Mentoring and coaching remain a core passion and I will do both, as long as God keeps me around!
ReThink You Consulting was closed in 2023, after I decided to go in a new direction. The Rethink You podcast remains on YouTube, however - and there were some wonderful interviews on there, if you care to get to know me better.
Originally from South Africa (I still have the accent) - I have lived in the USA for over 30 years. I currently enjoy life in the beautiful city of Colorado Springs. I am the youngest sister of three "girls" with an adult daughter and a grandson.
My own journey in personal development was born out of a difficult chapter of life that included two failed suicide attempts and years of depression. Throw in a highly stressful executive job, while an unmarried mother, I realized something needed changing. I developed my own life path tools that I have used ever since and now know what it is to become who you are meant to be, and experience a life that is fulfilling, fruitful, and joyfully abundant!

Contact Me
I love meeting people - especially those I think I can help. Reach out - let's talk!